Embracing the Healing Power of Plant Medicine

From experiencing the profound anguish caused by physical pain to enduring the emotional devastation of losing both my beloved daughter and father within the same year due to opioids, my journey has been a tumultuous one. However, these experiences have fueled my determination to establish a Hemp CBD Company and Recovery and Research Center centered around the remarkable healing potential of plant medicine. In my quest to uncover the future of a new medical revolution, I engage in meaningful conversations with esteemed physicians, accomplished Professional Athletes, and visionary entrepreneurs immersed in the realms of Hemp, Cannabis, and Psychedelics. By tapping into their invaluable insights, I aim to shed light on the promising path ahead and pave the way for transformative advancements in the field of medicine.


How It All Began…

My Journey to Becoming a CrossFit Master and the Eye-Opening Power of CBD and Plant-Based Medicine

Embarking on a personal quest to master CrossFit, I, Gary Roberts, unexpectedly stumbled upon a profound truth that forever altered my perspective. It all began as a self-centered journey, but along the way, I discovered the incredible potential of CBD and plant-based medicine. Meanwhile, my daughter was grappling with the agonizing pain, seeking solace in the destructive embrace of opiates.

Realizing the Healing Potential:
As my daughter battled her way through the relentless grip of addiction, a realization dawned upon us – plant-based medicine held the key to her recovery. Unfortunately, the legal and legislative frameworks proved to be formidable obstacles, obstructing my access to the safe and effective solution we desperately sought. Tragically, before I could procure the product that could have saved her, my daughter lost her life on her 27th birthday.

A Bittersweet Departure:
Bound to life support until her momentous day, my wife and I made the heart-wrenching decision to let her go. True to her altruistic nature, even in death, she exhibited her remarkable capacity to help others. To our astonishment, she had chosen to be an organ donor, bestowing the gift of life upon another soul.

A Transformative Calling:
From that pivotal moment forward, my relationship with CBD and cannabis underwent a profound transformation. No longer driven solely by personal ambition, my mission shifted towards assisting others in their battle against addiction. Moreover, my newfound purpose extended to supporting my fellow brothers and sisters in the fire department.